Hello loves! It’s been a while since I’ve done a beauty post, and even longer since my last skincare post. As someone who has always struggled with acne, I am always on the hunt for products that will help clear up my skin and prevent future breakouts. I recently decided to try products from Kate Somerville on a whim, and I have no idea why I didn't try this line sooner!
I've been using two Kate Somerville products daily for the past couple weeks and I absolutely adore both of them. Both products are from the EradiKate collection, her line of products dedicated to acne treatment. What I love about both products is that they are formulated with sulfur. I have learned over the years that my skin reacts really well sulfur, as opposed to other active ingredients that target acne like salicylic acid.
I first picked up the EradiKate Daily Cleanser when I was breaking out pretty bad a few weeks ago. I wanted to step up my cleanser game, and I noticed this cleanser was formulated with sulfur, which I knew is an active ingredient that works extremely well for my skin. This cleanser is super creamy and is gentle enough to use twice a day.
Since I loved the cleanser so much, during the Sephora VIB sale I decided to pick up the EradiKate Acne Spot Treatment. Like the cleanser, the active ingredient in this product is sulfur. The treatment dries up any existing breakouts and helps to prevent new ones. Since my skin is oily, I can get away with using this treatment twice a day without my skin drying out.
I hope you found this post helpful! Do you have any acne products that you swear by? Let me know!
Slap on some lipstick and smile